
Radiant Reflection
12 Jan 2017

Discover the Power of Self-Love and Gratitude In today's fast-paced world, it's easy

The Garden of Growth
11 Jan 2017

Food for Thought: Empower Your Knowledge Welcome to the Garden of Growth, where

The Bouquet of Beautiful Skin
10 Jan 2017

Unveiling the Secrets to Glowing Skin and Lustrous Hair At Ayusmat, we believe

The Elixir of Energy
08 Jan 2017

Relearning the Art of Eating At Ayusmat, we believe that eating is not

Awakening to the infinite
07 Jan 2017

Experience the Transformative Power of Re-Awakening In a world that's moving faster than

Oh, she glows!
06 Jan 2017

Preparing for the Big Day As the countdown to the big day begins,

The Symphony of Sun, Soil, and Stone
05 Jan 2017

A Holistic Retreat in the Heart of Nature As you step into Ayusmat,

The Miracle of a Metabolic Makeover
04 Jan 2017

Unlock Your True Potential: the Sustainable Way Welcome to the Metabolic Makeover -

Find Your Balance
03 Jan 2017

The Transformative Power of Breathing Techniques and Yoga Amidst the hustle and bustle